Gender Equality Plan

Gender Equality Plan

SPOTTERON, as a Citizen Science and participatory platform, sees it as part of its culture to commit to gender aspects and equality. In all applicable gender selections in service and software developments, we include the options for not only male and female forms of address but also for unspecified and non-binary.

In ordering genders in selection elements or other wordings, we list the female gender first to break with old established habits and increase inclusiveness for female genders. In practical design tasks and consulting projects, we notify project partners about gender equality and inclusiveness, e.g. in wordings of project content, user input option ranges, and target group considerations.

In terms of data collected about users at account creation, users can freely choose gender options and even switch account types and gender anytime without restrictions or delay. User account data is not aggregated or shared as data collection outside the system functionalities.

In our daily communication and management tasks, we always include gender equality and identity as part of our core principles. Every member of SPOTTERON is always aware that including gender diversity and equality in the platform's design decisions and communication is not only required but a collectively shared mindset. Living inclusiveness is at the core of our internal culture and daily work.

Gender diversity and inclusiveness in SPOTTERON’s online presence:

 On our platform's online channels like on social media or website, we participate actively in Pride Month by focusing on gender-related aspects and hashtags and showing rainbow colours in our official profile pictures as a direct way to join in on gender diversity and inclusiveness visibility. At all times, gender-related issues in online user interactions and comments by audiences are reported and moderated.

Work-life balance and organisational culture:

Applying the possibilities of the digital nature of our work, we offer flexible work hours and time management for all our team members. Personal needs and own work time organisation is in practice for everyone, creating an uncomplicated and respectful environment for everyone's work-life balance.

Gender balance in leadership and decision-making

Project management and partner communication are handled in a bottom-up way. Every team member is involved in the decision-making process and always ongoing communication with low organisational hierarchies. Each member is always invited to include personal gender experiences in processes to embrace gender views and diversity in the results and outcomes.

Gender equality in recruitment and career progression

When recruiting new team members, we always aim to increase gender diversity, especially supporting gender diversity in our more technical and IT-related work areas. For equally competent candidates, the female or non-binary applicant if prefered to foster gender diversity within SPOTTERON's team. One's personal gender identity has no impact on career progression decisions; careers and responsibilities are solely formed by one's skills, involvement and personal preferences.

Integration of the gender dimension into research and teaching content

As an effect of our role as consultants for Citizen Science and participatory projects, we always advise to include gender dimensions in questionnaire design, either by covering unique aspects and experiences of gender identities or always phrase content, wordings, and questionnaires elements in an inclusive way. This can influence how gender aspects are reflected in research outcomes and how participants from the various gender identities feel included on a per-project basis.

Measures against gender-based violence including sexual harassment

Due to the high level of communication and low hierarchies, we foster raising one's voice in gender-based issues or apprehension at any time. Occurrences of sexual harassment or even verbal slags are not tolerated. They can lead to the termination of the working relationship, which is also clearly stated in our work contracts for all team members.

Suppose a team member wants to reach out to the management of SPOTTERON about such a case; we have an email address in place for sending notifications about gender-based issues, violence or harassment, allowing anonymous and barrier-free reporting or problems should they occur. We know that mainly women and non-binary genders are affected by bullying or harassment online. For gender-relevant violations or harassment in the context of the applications or our online offer, you can contact This email address is only accessed and maintained by female or non-binary team members.

Also, for users and participants in Citizen Science projects on the SPOTTERON Platform, there is an anonymous reporting option in place to reach out to us for gender-related issues, feedback and reports about harassment, slurs or gender-based violence. All instances when occurring are taken seriously, and all team members of SPOTTERON are informed with procedures in place to react accordingly and without unnecessary delay.


Vienna, on 22nd of July 2021,
Philipp Hummer, CEO

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