The Final Conference for YouCount occurred in Brussels at the start of December. YouCount is a Social Citizen Science project that unites young individuals and stakeholders to collaboratively generate new knowledge and innovations that can contribute to addressing one of the complex societal challenges being faced by Europe: How to increa...
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Recently the Falling Walls Global Call selected 50 finalists for the best science engagement projects from around the world! Among them are two Citizen Science projects whose Apps run on the SPOTTERON platform - YouCount, funded by Horizon Europe and Soils for Science from the University of Queensland, Institute for Molecular Bioscience. As pa...
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The YouCount project is one of our active Horizon 2020 / Horizon Europe project participations, in which we create digital innovation for Citizen Science Apps and Citizen Observatories. The project - located in nine European countries - works to co-create new knowledge and innovations that increase the social inclusion of youth across ten case stud...
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Challenging times require creative solutions. The current corona crisis is a perfect example of that. That’s why we are excited to announce that the University of Edinburgh joined forces with SPOTTERON once more to create the CoronaReport Citizen Science app because understanding the social impact of COVID-19 on society is very important - not only for research but for society itself.

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