Celebrating Participation - Celebrating #CitizenScience! Collectible Cards for #CitSciOz21


For the Australian #CitSciOz21 conference, we made something special. Throughout the conference, we will reveal 12 #CitSci Collectors Cards, highlighting user contributions in various Australian Apps on the SPOTTERON Platform. In this blog post, you can find all Collectible Cards revealed time by time. Enjoy!

We will update all previous Cards after the end of each conference day, so please check back if you want to see them all at once,
or follow us at @SPOTTERON on Twitter for the live feed:

All Citizen Science Collectible Cards from the Australian #CitScioz21 Conference

A Milestone for Citizen Science: SPOTTERON 3.0 is ...
Celebrate, Communicate, Co-create - Australia's gr...


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Wednesday, 23 October 2024

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