Citizen Science and iOS 17 - taking care of Citizen Science Apps


As you may have heard, iOS version 17 is on the horizon. A new operating system version introduces new features, polishes existing ones, and carries the torch further. But it also means that the App Store enforces an update of the "base system" on which mobile Apps for iOS are built on, and all existing Apps must be updated to the new software generation to be able to be updated and maintained. This needs a software upgrade for all applications out there to be able to still run well on Apple iPhones and iPads, for which iOS 17 compatibility is now a hard requirement. For new Apps, like a new Citizen Science App project launch, the requirement also has to be fulfilled. 

On SPOTTERON, we take care of this step for all Citizen Science Projects on the platform. Our developer team is currently working on integrating the new functionalities of iOS 17 and making all the Citizen Science Apps compatible with Apple devices and the new iOS version 17. As a platform for Citizen Science tools, this is part of our service for projects running on SPOTTERON, and we always take care that all Apps are not only designed and launched well, but also maintained during their whole runtime.

iOS 17 compatibility + Update to SPOTTERON 4.0

This maintenance upgrade to all Citizen Science Apps on the platform will go along with the current start of the rollout period of SPOTTERON 4.0 - the next major Citizen Science platform version. SPOTTERON 4.0 will bring new modern systems and innovative functionalities for Citizen Science Apps - from streaming uploads to AI integration. A big part of our work on Citizen Science, community engagement, and public engagement projects is to keep all the Apps running and up-to date. This is an essential service that not only makes your Citizen Science Apps compatible with device and software evolution, but also ensures performance, security and compatibility. With direct user involvement, account creation, and on SPOTTERON also social interactions in the integrated digital community toolkit, taking care of the App's software base is crucial for user safety and also the user experience.

Uncertain about iOS 17 and the impact on Citizen Science Apps? Get in touch with us!

If you have a Citizen Science App running, and you are overwhelmed by the new requirements of iOS 17, drop us a brief message! We are happy to get together in a call to see if the SPOTTERON platform can be a new home for your Citizen Science project!

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Tuesday, 11 February 2025

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