Citizen Science for everyone! An interview with SPOTTERON in prestigious Austrian newspaper "Der Standard"

Citizen Science for everyone! An interview with SPOTTERON in prestigious Austrian newspaper "Der Standard"

Biodiversity apps are booming, so it is no surprise that even traditional newspapers are writing about it. We are therefore proud to report that our co-founder Philipp was interviewed by the prestigious Austrian newspaper "Der Standard" (print edition) on new technologies and nature apps.

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  1701 Hits
1701 Hits

EU Horizon 2020 Call - Citizen Science Apps for a Green Deal

EU Horizon 2020 Call - Citizen Science Apps for a Green Deal

The new call in the EU Horizon 2020 program aims for supporting and implementing a Green Deal. For projects participating in this call and searching for partners for Citizen Science Apps and participatory tools, we are happy to help!

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  2316 Hits
2316 Hits

Happy Holidays 2020 and thank you for all the Citizen Science!

Happy Holidays 2020 and thank you for all the Citizen Science!

This year was one of the most difficult ones for all of us, with the Corona Virus pandemic, lockdowns and social distancing. But nevertheless, 2020 also brought good things and amazing new Citizen Science projects on the SPOTTERON platform. We loved the exciting work tasks and the diverse project topics which we have been allowed to design and develop in this strange year.

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  1868 Hits
1868 Hits

"The Science of Citizen Science" Book has been published!

"The Science of Citizen Science" Book has been published!

Starting the new year with some good news: The new open-action book, "The Science of Citizen science "has been finally published by Springer and is now availableas a free book (Open Access) for download.
With over a hundred contributing authors from 24 countries, including us, the book is a culmination of the work of the COST (Cooperation in Science and Technology in Europe) Action, "Citizen Science to promote creativity, scientific literacy, and innovation throughout Europe ", COST Action CA15212.

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  3161 Hits
3161 Hits

What we need to bring new people to Citizen Science: our strategy for reaching out and engaging new people who have never heard of Citizen Science before

What we need to bring new people to Citizen Science: our strategy for reaching out and engaging new people who have never heard of Citizen Science before

I am a Citizen Scientist. I have been one since I was eight years old, albeit without ever hearing the term even once. I was interested in nature, the environment, and I spent hours after hours exploring the wildlife in ponds, my parents' garden, forests, and even brown land. (Oh, I love brown land, I still sneak through construction fences to explore them sometimes :)

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  1649 Hits
1649 Hits

The SPOTTERON Citizen Science Community is now on Discord!

The SPOTTERON Citizen Science Community is now on Discord!

Are you a SPOTTERON Partner who wishes to engage with Citizen Scientists on the Plattform more directly?
Do you have questions about a specific project or SPOTTERON in general that you want to ask quickly or any issues to report, but you don’t like to send an e-mail?
Search no more; we’ve got you covered!

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  2214 Hits
2214 Hits

Short News

  • A new paper titled "Citizen Science Approaches for Water Quality Measurements" has been published by the scientists behind CrowdWater. Find it in the papers section!

    in Shortnews
  • A new paper from the Horizon 2020 project IPM titled "Genetic variability of Metarhizium isolates from the Ticino Valley Natural Park (Northern Italy) as a possible microbiological resource for the management of Popillia japonica" has been added to our page. Find this and other Citizen Science related publications on the SPOTTERON Papers & Publications section.

    in Shortnews


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