A starry Citizen Science holiday card

A starry Citizen Science holiday card

2019 has been an amazing year. The SPOTTERON Citizen Science platform evolved into an even more professional solution for participatory science applications. In summer, we organized the "SPOTTERON Feature Ecosystem" into various thematic packages for a better overview of what the platform brings to every new Citizen Science project. Furthermore, we were able to welcome new project partners from all across Europe, Australia and the United States of America on SPOTTERON. 

But 2019 was not only excellent from a production standpoint, but also because of the many people we met on conferences, workshops and the exciting talks and exchanges we had about Citizen Science. There always is so much to learn, thank you for your constant feedback and the opportunity to be part of this growing international Citizen Science movement. 

A starry Citizen Science holiday card

So, 2020 is just around the corner, but before the new year arrives, we would love to wish Happy Holidays! Check out our brand new starry Holiday Card, we have created for you on this occasion

SPOTTERON HD Citizen Science Holiday Card

Download the artwork here in full resolution (1920 x 1200 px)


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