PatioSpots: The new toilet finder on the SPOTTERON Citizen Science platform

PatioSpots Citizen Science App Header

People in different stages of life and situations immediately need to find a publicly accessible toilet in a short time for different reasons. That is why the PATIO Spots App project was developed by the Ludwig Boltzmann Institute Applied Diagnostics together with researchers from academia and self-help groups. The Citizen Science App is a helper in dealing with urgent situations daily - for example, when things have to happen really fast. The aim is to make everyday life easier for those affected with the help of a digital communication tool, particularly in the case of incontinence due to bladder weakness, prostate cancer diagnosis, or simply in old age. The Open Innovation currently supports the "PATIO" initiative in the Science Center of the Ludwig Boltzmann Society.

Using Citizen Science Tools to create practice-oriented solutions jointly

In the PatioSpots App, users can find and rate WC facilities in their surrounding area and add new locations at any time to inform others about an accessible toilet. Together, users can help ensure that, for example, a trip to a new city is no longer a challenge or requires extensive prior planning. But also other places that encourage exchange and orientation, such as self-help groups and locations where treatment can take place, can be recorded and recommended by each user. Thus, the App offers a good overview of essential contact points and shows new places that can contribute to an improved quality of life.

The new PatioSpots App comes with various enhanced features and improved functionality, including data visualization, interactive maps, and motivational tools for users, with regular updates. Together with the Application, we offer a complete solution, including a professional project website based on a content management system (CMS). This includes a modern and responsive website for PatioSpots for desktop and mobile devices.

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