Feature introduction: Citizen Science Community Comments

Feature introduction: Citizen Science Community Comments

Through comments, users are able to interact with the spots directly in app in realtime. Posting comments is an important tool for both users and project teams, increasing the level of activity throughout the project and to provide information or make suggestions at observations. Below every spot in the Citizen Science app, users can find a tab with the comment section for observation-related comments.

The ability to post comments on spots in the Citizen Science apps of a project is a very important feedback mechanism and results also in an exchange between user and the Citizen Science project itself. Whenever a Citizen Scientist posts a new comment at a spot or update, the original submitter of the observation is notified in the newsfeed panel, where all community activities are summarized for every user. Comments are a great tool to spark conversation and create more acitvity in the Citizen Science project, which can result in an buzzing community directly within the Citizen Science apps and interactive maps.

Citizen Science App - Comments
Comment Section in Crowdwater Citizen Science App

Citizen Science App - Social Network Newsfeed
Newsfeed panel in Crowdwater with comment notifications

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Saturday, 27 July 2024

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