Our Poster of Community Effects in Citizen Science Apps

Poster of Community Effects in Citizen Science Apps

For our participation in Citizen Science conferences, we have designed one of our this year's conference posters about the Community Effects in Citizen Science Apps and the effects that science communication and interaction have on a Citizen Science project's success. The poster was accepted and presented on several occasions, such as the Austrian Citizen Science Conference #OECSK2023 and the Swiss Citizen Science Conference 2023. Now you can also find it here on our blog!

User Interactions

In community-enabling Citizen Science Apps, participants can interact with each other and the project's team. Functionalities like project messaging, creating networks, comments, and likes are prominent features in modern Apps that can also help people participate better in Citizen Science projects.

Community Activity

When Citizen Science Apps utilize digital-social community technology, a wide range of effects and benefits become a reality. The increased level of interaction between users and the project can result in a buzzing project toolkit with users and stakeholders engaging in communication and feedback, along with the possibility to form networks and exchange knowledge

Together with the notification feed, the ongoing community activity creates a digital living environment within a Citizen Science App that supports better quality data contributions and sustains motivation among participants.

Data & Motivation

User-to-user feedback loops and project-to-user communication help improve the quality of data contributions and even allows community data validation through integrated tools. With an active user community present, a Citizen Science App can increase participation motivation and frequency, as well as the project's reach and impact. By being part of a digital-social community for a greater good, Citizen Science becomes not only a tool for data recording but also for education, sharing, and a rewarding social experience

Notification Feed

The central hub for all activity in a Citizen Science App is the personalized "Notification Feed," which chronologically lists all the activities of befriended users and the project. With a community-based Citizen Science App being a buzzing place, new activities are highlighted live in-App or via push notifications. 

Community Actions

When Citizens and the project can interact, a range of user actions emerge, for example that people can connect with each other to create networks and groups, or converse about the Citizen Science project's topic directly in the App.

  • Team Spirit: By working together, motivation among users is raised.
  • Appreciation: Users get ongoing appreciation for their contributions and activity.
  • Feedback & communication: Users get direct input from community members and the project for learning and feedback.
  • Data help: Users can help with data quality by reporting on data entries or with community-driven data validation tools.

  • A Community-shaped Platform for Citizen Science Apps

    As active Citizen Scientists, we understand project participation from an App user's perspective. The implementation of modern community tools and extended features enables users to not only contribute data but be an integrated part of the project.

     All Citizen Science Apps running on the SPOTTERON platform include features that reward users for their activity and participation.

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