ECSA 2020: Designing a citizen science project? Let’s explore technology design & implementation!

ECSA 2020: Designing a citizen science project? Let’s explore technology design & implementation!

On this year's ECSA Citizen Science conference, we have been invited to hold a workshop on technology and the practice of design for Citizen Science. Since the conference moved completely online (read more about our experiences here in the Blog), we filled the session together with Jessie L. Oliver, who shared her research on how to design fun citizen science tech to find a sneaky Australia bird species (i.e. Eastern bristlebirds). Citizen Science is used and what technology implementation means for Citizen Science Apps and interactive online tools. Thanks for inviting us to be part of that session!

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  1596 Hits
1596 Hits

New on the SPOTTERON Platform: ClimateWatch - a Citizen Science App for Climate Research

New on the SPOTTERON Platform: ClimateWatch - a Citizen Science App for Climate Research
The impacts of climate change are accelerating. Greenhouse gas concentrations drive global temperatures towards increasingly dangerous levels. A warming planet earth means rising sea levels, increased frequency and intensity of weather events, like fires, floods, cyclones, droughts, ocean acidification, and species loss. These are putting our health, livelihoods, food security, freshwater supply and economic growth at risk. It is time to take action on Climate Change and participate. 
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1620 Hits

MAKENYA Mammal Atlas Kenya - A new Citizen Science App on the SPOTTERON platform

MAKENYA Mammal Atlas Kenya - A new Citizen Science App on the SPOTTERON platform

The MAKENYA - Mammal Atlas Kenya project is a Kenyan Citizen Science App to monitor rare and common mammals. Together with scientists of the Zoology Department of Kenya's National Museums, we developed and designed the first mobile Application for an African country running on the SPOTTERON Platform.

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Green Week Brussels 2015

Green Week Brussels 2015

The team of "Project Roadkill" and has been invited to hold a keynote at the Green Week in Brussels, Belgium in June 2015! The invitation was done because of the innovative approach of the projects and their professional presentation in social networks and especially the SPOTTERON apps and media. The Green Week event is visited by over 3000 people and besides the keynote the team is also present in the public space with an information booth. We are very happy to be part of this movement and congratulate the team!

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SPOTTERON | Project Roadkill at the European Green Week in Brussels 2015

SPOTTERON | Project Roadkill at the European Green Week in Brussels 2015

International Citizen Science projects in SPOTTERON? - Done easily!
We want to congratulate the project team of Citizen Science Austria and Project Roadkill for their well done presentation at the European Green Week 2015 in Brussels, Belgium today. Since both projects are powered by SPOTTERON, the easy-to-use smartphone app system for citizen science and projects in environment conservation, we also have been present at this important event.

If you got questions regarding SPOTTERON or want to launch (or relaunch) your own citizen science app, please don't hesitate to contact us via email at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or via phone at 0043 676 598 2272 - we will be happy to provide more information about SPOTTERON or support your own project with our system. Thanks a lot!

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SPOTTERON Apps for Apple iPhones!

SPOTTERON Apps for Apple iPhones!

The SPOTTERON Apps are now also released for Apple iPhones! This very important milestone is a destinct step further in the development of the SPOTTERON Apps for Citizen Science and environment conservation projects. Welcome, iPhone Users!

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New Features, new Apps

New Features, new Apps

There are news for your SPOTTERON Apps!

More Features, new Designs, more Apps, SPOTTERON has grown bigger again!

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1830 Hits

New Version, many Updates: SPOTTERON v.0.1.8 is ready!

New Version, many Updates: SPOTTERON v.0.1.8 is ready!

During the last weeks we worked hard to deliver a huge update of the SPOTTERON Apps to you and in the meantime the new version 0.1.8 has been officially released for Android and sent in for review in Apple's iTunes.

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1805 Hits

Feature introduction: Citizen Science Community Comments

Feature introduction: Citizen Science Community Comments

Through comments, users are able to interact with the spots directly in app in realtime. Posting comments is an important tool for both users and project teams, increasing the level of activity throughout the project and to provide information or make suggestions at observations. Below every spot in the Citizen Science app, users can find a tab with the comment section for observation-related comments.

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6314 Hits

some thoughts on Cititzen Science: it needs a system

some thoughts on Cititzen Science: it needs a system

Currently in Barcelona, Spain, the yearly European Citizen Science Association summit is taking place. As not only an interested person in science and ecology but also as founder of SPOTTERON, events like this always result in following the various posts, tweets and streams online the whole days. At #ecsabcn In her keynote, Libby Hepborn from the Australian Citizen Science Association mentioned a something, which immediatly grabbed my attention.

@CSAustria also tweeted that statement:
"Libby Hepburn @CitSciOZ would like a "tripadvisor" for #citizenscience tools."

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Start of the upcoming Top Citizen Science Projekt "Naturkalender"

Start of the upcoming Top Citizen Science Projekt "Naturkalender"

The Sparkling Science Projekt "NaturVerrückt" ("CrazyNature"), currently running on the SPOTTERON Citizen Science Platform, is going to be relaunched and extended in the next months. The new Top Citizen Science-Projektes „Naturkalender“ is all about Phenology and Citizen Scientists can observe the development of various plant species via Smartphone App for Science.

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Australia! Get your free Citizen Science Apps on the SPOTTERON platform

Australia! Get your free Citizen Science Apps on the SPOTTERON platform

SPOTTERON goes Australia! We are happy to announce that we are giving away a customised geo-locatable free Citizen Science app among all members of the Australian Citizen Science Association that take part in the competition and tell us how their proposed geo-locatable citizen science app will increase scientific knowledge.

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3844 Hits

Finally! The first SPOTTERON Citizen Science Adventure is here!

Finally! The first SPOTTERON Citizen Science Adventure is here!

We are really happy to present to you: the very first CITIZEN SCIENCE ADVENTURE! The idea has been lingering in our heads for quite some time now and we were finally able to get this new and exciting project started. The kick-off was made by our beloved Philipp Jonathan with a quick introduction to phenology and a common snowdrop he spotted in the Nature's Calendar app in a viennese parc this weekend.

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Citizen Science Easter Egg Hunt 2018

Citizen Science Easter Egg Hunt 2018

Today we decided to went on a Easter Egg Hunt - and since it is raining heavily today we took this journey to another realm: the microcosm!

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Let's meet Citizen Science! Episode 2 - Austrian Mycological Society ÖMG

Let's meet Citizen Science! Episode 2 - Austrian Mycological Society ÖMG

During the "Long Night of Research" (Lange Nacht der Forschung) in Vienna Austria at the Museum of Natural History (NHM) we met with Irmgard Greilhuber from the Citizen Science project Mycodata by the Austrian Mycological Society ÖMG. Irmgard is presenting the project and how Citizen Scientists can participate by submitting observations of mushrooms and fungi.

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3154 Hits

Let's meet up for Citizen Science! SPOTTERON at the ECSA Conference 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland

Let's meet up for Citizen Science! SPOTTERON at the ECSA Conference 2018 in Geneva, Switzerland

From 3rd to 5th of June 2018, the ECSA Conference 2018 and the general assembly of the European Citizen Science Association takes place in Geneva, Switzerland. As members of ECSA and platform for Citizen Science Apps we for sure take part during the whole time.

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3857 Hits

Bye Bye Anslagstavlan | Public Boards!

Bye Bye Anslagstavlan | Public Boards!


After running on the SPOTTERON platform since september 2016, Anslagstavlan (which even had a SPOTTERON designed logo), has ended and will therefore also leave our platform. We want to commemorate the project a little with this entry in our blog.

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2723 Hits

Impressions from national park Lobau

Impressions from national park Lobau

This weekend we got do some Shinrin Yoku and recharged our batteries in our very beloved viennese nature conservation area: Lobau, which is part of the national parc Danube-Auen, has been a protected area since 1978 and is our favourite playground for Citizen Science Adventures.

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2922 Hits

ECSA 2018 - from the Conference about Citizen Science in Geneva, Switzerland

ECSA 2018 - from the Conference about Citizen Science in Geneva, Switzerland

Every two years, a big conference about Citizen Science takes place in an European Country - this time we travelled to Geneva in Switzerland, where the ECSA 2018 was happening.

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3483 Hits

Article 13 threatens all Citizen Science projects - let`s take action now!

Article 13 threatens all Citizen Science projects - let`s take action now!
Last week, the European Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee (JURI) ignored all advice by data scientists, creators and experts and voted for the Article 13 of the proposed Copyright Directive. This could mean the end of web-based Citizen Science.
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Short News

  • A new paper titled "Citizen Science Approaches for Water Quality Measurements" has been published by the scientists behind CrowdWater. Find it in the papers section!

    in Shortnews
  • A new paper from the Horizon 2020 project IPM titled "Genetic variability of Metarhizium isolates from the Ticino Valley Natural Park (Northern Italy) as a possible microbiological resource for the management of Popillia japonica" has been added to our page. Find this and other Citizen Science related publications on the SPOTTERON Papers & Publications section.

    in Shortnews


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