HydroCrowd: Citizen Science App Release

The Citizen Science App for measuring rainfall and weather from HydroCrowd has only recently been released. HydroCrowd is a research project of the Justus Liebig University Giessen. The project explores the potential of participatory monitoring in selected mountainous regions in Ecuador, Honduras and Tanzania to increase the availability of hy...
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  1170 Hits

2x Falling Walls Global Call Finalist

Recently the Falling Walls Global Call selected 50 finalists for the best science engagement projects from around the world! Among them are two Citizen Science projects whose Apps run on the SPOTTERON platform - YouCount, funded by Horizon Europe and Soils for Science from the University of Queensland, Institute for Molecular Bioscience. As pa...
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  1239 Hits

Our Poster of Community Effects in Citizen Science Apps

For our participation in Citizen Science conferences, we have designed one of our this year's conference posters about the Community Effects in Citizen Science Apps and the effects that science communication and interaction have on a Citizen Science project's success. The poster was accepted and presented on several occasions, such as the Aust...
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  1242 Hits

Featuring Future Conference by BOKU

We recently attended this year's Featuring Future Conference at the BOKU Vienna (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences) and were able to listen to significant lectures on the major topics of the future. In this blog, we want to share some exciting impressions of the conference and also talk about how essentially the concept of Citizen S...
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  1209 Hits

European Union Price for Citizen Science

IMPETUS, a Europe-wide project to promote Citizen Science, recently awarded Citizen Science projects and published the selected award winners of the European Union Price for Citizen Science. Among them are two Citizen Science Apps running on the SPOTTERON App platform: Roadkill by the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Scien...
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  1177 Hits

Citizen Science Award 2023

The Citizen Science Award 2023, organized by OeAD, is currently taking place in Austria from April 1st to July 31st. Those who participate in one of the eight projects, will have the chance to win and be part of the Young Science Conference in October 2023. We are proud to announce that two of our project partners belong to the ...
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  1259 Hits

New Video! An introduction to the SPOTTERON Citizen Science App Platform

In the course of our submission to the current "EU Prize for Citizen Science", we have produced a new video as an introduction to the SPOTTERON Citizen Science platform. The clip showcases the core aspects of what the platform brings to Citizen Science projects across Europe and beyond. As an interactive toolkit, every Citizen Science App not only ...
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  1196 Hits

Co-creating Social Citizen Science in the Horizon2020 YouCount Project

The YouCount project is one of our active Horizon 2020 / Horizon Europe project participations, in which we create digital innovation for Citizen Science Apps and Citizen Observatories. The project - located in nine European countries - works to co-create new knowledge and innovations that increase the social inclusion of youth across ten case stud...
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  1300 Hits

Discover how a Citizen Science App is helping to protect Kenya's Mammals: the new Video about MAKENYA

The MAKENYA Mammal Atlas App is a Kenyan citizen science mobile-based application that allows users to monitor and track rare and common mammals. It allows users to use their map location or GPS coordinates of the area they spotted a particular mammal, share pictures, and identify the species. The project has been the first Citizen S...
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  1371 Hits

Thank you for all the Citizen Science 2022!

As the year comes to a close, we wanted to take a moment to express our heartfelt gratitude for all the partnerships and support in 2022. A wide range of new exciting projects has helped to expand the platform for improving the impact and quality of Citizen Science Apps. Our collaborations with stakeholders, institutions, and project partners from ...
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  1186 Hits

How to work with young people in Citizen Science? - Complying with privacy laws and parental consent requirements in Apps

In many Citizen Science Apps, participants are younger than 16 or 18 years of age. From educational school-based projects to including the youth in workshops, feedback, or data collection: the engagement of younger people is often at the core of Citizen Science projects. To invite underaged children to be active in a digital tool like Citizen ...
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  1331 Hits

New Direct Communication Tools for Citizen Science Apps: User Message Boards

User-to-user communication and project-to-user communication are essential parts of modern interactive Citizen Science. In the new platform update, we extend the already present features in all Apps on the SPOTTERON platform with another significant upgrade: User Message Boards. Exchanging messages, enabling discussion Being able to contact each ot...
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  966 Hits

Quo vadis, Twitter? - A Statement on the current situation on Twitter

As you may know, the ownership of Twitter has changed. Since then, the dynamic has spun increasingly out of control on that social platform. The new owner first changes core moderation policies to allow "free speech" (which means more radicalism in a social network) while censoring everything he dislikes. Secondly, there is chaos. The new owner ins...
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  964 Hits

The Our Outdoors Citizen Science App has been updated!

Our Outdoors is a citizen science project to learn more about what you and others experience in public spaces such as parks, beaches, canals, and town squares.With the new update, the App has not only been brought to the latest technological standard of the SPOTTERON Citizen Science platform. It also received a new polished design for its user inte...
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  1078 Hits

This was the ECSA Citizen Science Conference 2022 in Berlin

From the 5th to the 8th of October, the ECSA Citizen Science Conference 2022 took place in Berlin under the motto "Citizen Science for Planetary Health."We have been attending this fantastic bi-annual event (for sure) and spent four days in Germany's capital to learn more about citizen science and various approaches, definitions, and projects while...
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  4092 Hits

The ECSA European Citizen Science Conference 2022 takes place in October in Berlin - Meet us there!

 The ECSA European Citizen Science Conference is Europe's major meeting point every two years for actors and stakeholders in Citizen Science. In 2022, it takes place in Berlin, Germany, and we look forward to traveling to the North of Europe for Citizen Science! This year's conference motto, "Citizen Science for Planetary Health" reflects the ...
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  1089 Hits

Map Types for Citizen Science Apps

In Citizen Science Apps, the map often plays a central role. On SPOTTERON, different map types stand ready for every participant to use as a personal choice and for supporting correct locations when submitting data in the App.  We are always at some place - and the map in a Citizen Science App reflects this connection. In Citizen Science,...
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  1128 Hits

Working together with the Community for better Data Validation in Citizen Science Apps

One of the often very time-intensive tasks when running a Citizen Science project is the validation of the gathered data. Is the user-provided information correct? Does the species classification work out? Is the location correct? The complexity of this task grows with the success of a Citizen Science project. When hundreds of new contribution...
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  1357 Hits

Does Data Validation improve with the community's help in Citizen Science Apps?

The new "Community Data Validation" Feature on the SPOTTERON Platform allows Citizen Scientists to be more deeply involved in the scientific process. The feature update in the ClimateWatch App by Earthwatch Australia allows users not only to submit observations but also to assess the accuracy and support the observations of...
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  1755 Hits

On the Living Knowledge Conference 2022 in Groningen & the Mudflats

The 9th Living Knowledge Conference 2022 took place in Groningen, Netherlands, from the 29th of June to the 1st of July. The Living Knowledge Network, the organizer of the conference, is a vital actor in the fields of Science Communication, Community-based Research, and Citizen Science. The Network works closely with Civil Society Organisations (CS...
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  997 Hits

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Short News

  • A new paper titled "Citizen Science Approaches for Water Quality Measurements" has been published by the scientists behind CrowdWater. Find it in the papers section!

    in Shortnews
  • A new paper from the Horizon 2020 project IPM titled "Genetic variability of Metarhizium isolates from the Ticino Valley Natural Park (Northern Italy) as a possible microbiological resource for the management of Popillia japonica" has been added to our page. Find this and other Citizen Science related publications on the SPOTTERON Papers & Publications section.

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